The Chelsea Middle School Archery team is heading to the NASP Grand State Tournament next week. We would like to send our kids to compete in style with new shirts. The new shirts will have all of the students names on the back. If you would like to help us provide these shirts for our students, we are looking for sponsors or donations. Please contact Mrs. Wilson at the middle school office at 789-2521 if you can help out with the cost.

Chelsea will host the first round of the OSSAA Playoffs, Friday, February 16, 2024. The Lady Dragons tipoff at 6:00 PM with the boy's beginning around 7:30 PM. Please see the link below for ticket information. GO DRAGONS!!

There will be no JV games tonight. Reminder that Senior night festivities start at 5:30.

Art Goad ES Parent Night will be Thursday, February 15. Parents are invited to this informational night about their child's Mid-Year MAP reading and math scores. Every family in attendance will receive a raffle ticket to win one of the following prizes: 43" Smart T.V. , Bike, $20 Walgreens Gift Card, $50 Walmart Gift Card, or Family Pass to Incredible Pizza. Pick a Time 6:30 or 7:30 in the cafeteria. You can pick up your child's MAP scores and listen to a short presentation about our new school-wide benchmark assessment.

CMS 7th & 8th grade students will have HIV Education on Tuesday, February 13th. Parents signed permission for students to attend on enrollment forms at the beginning of the year. If you have any questions, please contact the middle school office at 789-2521.

Valentines Week Spirit Days!
Monday Red & Pink socks (or mixed-matched socks)

CHS Activities for the week of 2/12-2/17/24

Counselor Update. IMPORTANT EVENTS

Congratulations to our January students of the month! Great job young men and women!!

Our January staff member of the month is Ms. Veysey!!! Great job!

Bryson Wever placed 3rd overall out of 133 middle school boys at the Morris Archery Tournament. Congratulations Bryson!

An HIV Education OPT OUT form was sent home with students a few weeks ago because of an error on our enrollment forms this year. If you wish for your student to OPT OUT of this please make sure to have them return a filled out form to Mrs. Crawford by Friday February 9th.

Weekly Events at CHS for 2/5/24-2/10/24

The middle school archery team placed 3rd overall at the Cleveland tournament. They have also qualified for the Grand State Tournament in February. The team is ranked 16th out of 59 teams. Congratulations Dragons!

Chelsea High School would like to congratulate our Honor Roll students for the Fall Semester. Great job!

FREE FOOD & PRIZES! Rogers State University Pryor Campus 2155 Hwy 69A Mid America Industrial Park .
RSU Financial Aid, RSU TRIO, and Cherokee Nation will be attending.
please use this link to RSVP https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0849ACAA22A4FBC61-47060372-mayes#/

Congratulations to Bryson Lee and Jaylea Miller on making Honor Band!

The Chelsea High School class of 2024’s Salutatorian is Miss Maisie Hubler. Maisie is the daughter of Dustin and Tanayia Hubler . She has a 3.89 GPA. She is involved in Band, NHS where she is the Vice-President, and FCCLA. She recently qualified for the Midwest Try-Out Honor Band as a trumpet player. Her future plans are to attend Oklahoma State University where she plans to major in Veterinary Medicine.

The Chelsea High School class of 2024’s Valedictorian is Miss Jaclyn Draeger. Jaclyn is the daughter of Quint and Denise Draeger. She has a 3.96 GPA. She is involved in Cross Country, Basketball, Fast and Slow Pitch, and Track. She is Chelsea’s only 4 time state Cross Country qualifier. She is the Chelsea STUCO, as well as District 6 President along with being our National Honor Society President. She is also the President of the class of 2024. She is involved in Business Professionals of America and the Native American Student Association. Her future plans are to attend Grayson College in Dennison Texas on a softball scholarship. She is undecided on her major at this time.

Congratulations to the following students who made the Midwest Try-out Honor Band
Maisie Hubler
Bryson Lee
Jaylee Miller