CHS Weekly events for next week 1/29-2/3

Chelsea Middle School would like to announce the 8th Grade Co-Valedictorians, Dolly Anderson and Gracie Wilson and Salutatorian, Eva Reyes for the Class of 2028. Congratulations, ladies!

The 9th Grade Quiz Bowl team competed in their district tournament January 25, 2024 at Ramona. Pictured are Aivyn Rohrbough, 9th Grade, Gracie Wilson 8th grade, Kali Manning 8th grade, Lily Rohrbough 8th Grade, Jalen Lee 8th grade, Eva Reyes 8th grade, Caden Schwarze 7th grade, Lucas Lawhon 7th grade.
This group was 2nd in their district. Their next competition will be regionals on Saturday, February 17, 2024

High school exempt students enjoying the OKC Blue field trip! Thank you to Coach Chambers for driving and Ms. Veysey for being a sponsor. Great job kiddos!

Sole Sneaker Valentine's Dance!!
The dance will be held on Saturday, February 3 from 6:30 to 9:00 in the commons area. No one is allowed to bring a guest from outside of the school unless an approval form is filled out and returned to Mr. Tyree. No middle school students are allowed to attend.

If you have never heard of this program, or are unfamiliar with the program, it is a week-long leadership program for Girls who are currently Juniors in High School, where participants form a mock government system while learning about leadership & government. But there is so much more to Oklahoma Girls State including late night activities, dances, social mixers, as well as leadership and team building activities. This program has occurred nearly every year since 1940 and holds great prestige. Did I mention that it looks really good on any scholarship, college, or job application?
Our local American Legion Auxiliary here in Chelsea will pay the $305.00 fee for young ladies to attend this program that will be held at UCO in Edmond, OK from May 26-31, 2024. All they have to do is apply & go!!! Please help us by encouraging your students who are JUNIOR GIRLS to apply to this amazing program. We need them to apply ASAP as our local application due date is approaching soon on Friday, February 2, 2024. (Individuals can go to the following link to apply, it takes 15 minutes max. https://shorturl.at/cV235) For more information about Oklahoma Girls State, okgirlsstate.com.

The middle school basketball games scheduled for Monday, January 22nd have been canceled and Honor band tryouts originally planned for Monday are rescheduled for Thursday.

Chelsea Public Schools will be closed Monday, January 22, 2024 due to inclement weather.

CHS Events for 1/22/24-1/27/24

Congratulations to the Chelsea Green Dragons on their 2nd place finish at the Mounds Invitational Tournament! Great job players and coaches!

Congratulations Lady Dragons!!! Mounds Invitational Tournament Champions!!! 53-50 over Summit Christian Academy Great job ladies and coaches!!!

Playing for the championship X2 tomorrow night. Come cheer on your Lady Dragons and Dragons at the Mounds Invitational tournament Saturday night. Girls at 7 boys at 8:30. Both are playing for the ship!!! Photo credits to Jean Ratley

Chelsea Public Schools will be in session Monday, January 29, 2024 as a regular school day. This had been scheduled as a professional development day and will be our first makeup. The remaining makeup days will be announced at a later date.

Last week, 6th grade science classes learned about prisms and light. Look at how engaged these kids are. What a great lesson Miss Ross!

Congratulations to Bryson Wever on his perfect score of 50 in one of his rounds of competition today at the Cleveland Archery state qualifier! According to coach, this may be the the first perfect 50 for our archery program. Bryson's overall score was 269/300. All of our archers did a great job today. Tomorrow, they will head to Morris for another state qualifier. Congratulations and good luck to all of Dragon archers!

The 2024-25 Free Application for Federal Student Aid has launched, and this year it’s very important that high school seniors (and usually, one or both parents) create their FSA IDs—their electronic signatures for the FAFSA-- at least five days in advance of the day they begin completing the application.
We will be hosting a FAFSA/ OK Promise workshop but it has been postponed due to errors within the application.

The archery competition in Cleveland is still on for tomorrow (1-18-24). Archery students attending may bring money for concessions. School sack lunches will be provided. Also, 8th grade students need to turn in permission slips for the Thunder field trip next week. See you tomorrow, CMS!

Chelsea Public Schools will be closed Wednesday, January 17, 2024 due to numerous roads in our district that remain ice/snow covered and hazardous. To stay in the know for all Green Dragon news, download the Chelsea Dragon app or visit our website. Stay safe and warm!

The middle basketball games originally schedule for this evening, January 15th at Dewey, have been canceled. Stay warm and safe!