Cherokee Nation Events for the month of March
5TH: CN Public Health will be at Vinita Boys & Girls Club at 3:15pm to present benefits of physical activity while pedaling on bikes. Participants will make smoothies as a treat. For more information, contact CN Public Health Educator Mandy Russell, 918-506-7274 or miranda-russell@cherokee.org.
12TH: CN Public Health Educator Britanie Wacoche is launching community walking group for CN citizens living in or near Pryor. Group will meet at noon every Tuesday and Thursday until May 30 at the Pryor Creek Recreation Center, 111 SE 9th St. The group is free to join, open to all ages and is self-paced. For more information, contact Wacoche at 918-772-8719 or britanie-wacoche@cherokee.org.
20TH: Career Services hosting “Cultivating Cherokee Traditions” event from 10am to 2pm at the Mid-American Expo Center in Pryor. Event open to Tribal TANF households and Native families, limited to the first 200 families. Lean how to bead, make corn husk dolls, play Cherokee marbles and enjoy storytelling. Lunch will be provided. Registration begins at 9am. For more information, contact Denise Honawa or Jon Crittenden, 918-453-5555.
21ST: Spring Break Make and Take. Cherokee Nation museums will offer different crafts to make and take home. Events are from 10am to 4pm, all ages welcome. Cherokee National History Museum (Tahlequah): round reed baskets; Cherokee National Prison Museum (Tahlequah): coil pots; Cherokee National Supreme Court Museum (Tahlequah): paper baskets; John Ross Museum (Tahlequah): mini booger masks; Sequoyah’s Cabin Museum (near Sallisaw): paper weaving; Saline Courthouse Museum (Rose): corn husk flowers; Anna Mitchell Cultural & Welcome Center (Vinita): clay medallions. Learn more at VisitCherokeeNation.com
23RD: The first WINGS race being held at Johnstone Park in Bartlesville. The 5K race begins at 8am; the 1 mile fun run at 8:05am. To learn more or to sign up, contact Julie Miller at Julie-miller@cherokee.org. Visit cherokeepublichealth.org for full schedule of 2024 WINGS races.
26TH: Cherokee Nation Outpatient Health Center (CNOPHC), Tahlequah, holding parent support meeting, 10am to noon. The group meets every last Tuesday of each month to connect parents and learn about ways to support children with disabilities. The meeting is free and open to everyone. To learn more, call 918-647-1255.
26TH: The CNOPHC, Tahlequah, holding March social group from 4pm to 6pm for young adults ages 14 and older who need help improving social, job and self-advocacy skills. The group is free and open to everyone. To learn more, call 918-647-1255.
28TH: Feather Smith, Ethnobiology Manager, will be at Saline Courthouse Museum in Rose from 10am to 2pm to present a class on wild onions. Participants will learn how to identify the plant, use sustainable gathering practices and uses of wild onion. Class is $25 per person. To register, go to shop.visitcherokeenation.com
29TH: CN W. W. Keeler Tribal Complex, health centers and satellite offices will be closed for Good Friday. CN W.W. Hastings Hospital urgent care and emergency department and other emergency services will remain open.

CHS would like to congratulate Cody “Bear” Gill for making the All-Star Football team.
Today he was presented his All-Star jacket for Class A All-Star by class for the Defensive Tackle position.
WAY TO GO BEAR!! 🐉 Dragon Proud! 🐉

This academy is an overnight, weeklong summer camp that brings in high school students from all over the state to come learn and engage on our campus about sustainable energy. Applications for the camp go live on March 1st. at https://www.tulsacc.edu/academics/workforce-continuing-education/college-kids#:~:text=Every%20summer%20there%20are%20more,months%20of%20June%20and%20July.
The camp will be from June 9th – June 14th. This camp is FREE to students, must have their own transportation. Spots are limited so apply as early as possible.
If you have any questions please reach out to,
Cody Zimmer 918-595-7097


Weekly Events at CHS for 2/26-3/2

Congratulations to Dana Daylight who won $647 in the freshman 50/50 fundraiser. Also, congrats to freshman, Billie Kirkendall, who sold the winning ticket and received $20 and lunch from Sonic!

Don't forget to buy your senior a special spot in this year's yearbook! Send the images you'd like to use with your special message to bbunnell@chelseadragons.net
Orders due by March 31st.

Congratulations to Tori Simmons on winning overall bench press at the Afton powerlifting meet! Baylee Robards and Kaylee Lentz also did an outstanding job competing! Great job representing our school!

On March 15th a caring van will be coming to Chelsea to provide free immunizations. For High School students this is important for those that are heading to college. If the student is 18 they can give consent on their own. If they are under 18 a parent will have to fill out this form and the student needs to have it with them the day of.

Congratulations to the CMS Archery team on making it to the Grand State Tournament, which was held in Tulsa today at the fairgrounds. They did very well, with a combined score of 2980. Individual scores and rankings are posted on the NASP website and app. The middle school team is coached by Ronnie Simmons and Kari Jinkens. We are very appreciative for the donations given to provide these students with new shirts to wear today. Thank you to Bank of Commerce, Will Stop Archery Targets-Darrell Shanholtzer, The Hoskins family and everyone else who reached out to provide help with the shirts. Thank you Kenzie Malone of Kenzie’s Creations & Designs, for a quick turn around on a rush order. Our community is truly an amazing place to be. It’s a great day to be a Dragon!

Middle School parent-teacher conferences are this Thursday, February 22nd. Conferences are set up a little different this time around. From 3:30-6:30 we will have scheduled conferences for some students. We will be reaching out to parents for these conferences. However, if you would like to request a scheduled conference to meet with all of your child's teachers at at once, please email Mrs. Shoate or Mrs. Wilson or call the middle school office at 789-2521. From 6:30-9-30 we we will have open conferences. During this time any parent may walk through the building to visit with teachers individually. Please be understanding as we try out this new method. If you do not receive a call for a scheduled conference or you request a scheduled conference and we are unable to get you in a time slot for a scheduled conference, we still want to see you during our open conferences! We are trying out this new method with hopes of seeing a positive impact on our student performances and are open to suggestions for future conferences after we give it a try. Please reach out to Mrs. Wilson if you have any questions.

Congratulations to our own Chelsea FFA who won the Rogers county Ag Olympics this past weekend! Great job students!

CHS Events for this week!

Congratulations to your Chelsea Dragons! District champions!!!! Great job players and coaches!

SCHOOL MAKE-UP REMINDER!! Chelsea Public Schools will be in session on Monday, February 19, 2024. This is to make-up lost instruction due to inclement weather. Please visit www.chelseadragons.net or download the CPS Dragons app to access the revised school calendar for 2023-2024.

Students who had no zeroes for the month of January were taken to Claremore for an off campus lunch. We had over 100 students qualify!!! So proud of these students! We will do this the remainder of the semester. If students qualify for 2 the final trip is to Owasso!

Attention CMS Archery Parents! If you would like to order a state tournament shirt for next week's competition, please email fwilson@chelseadragons.net or call the middle school office by 12:30 to place your order. We apologize for the short notice. We MUST place the order today to get the shirts back by Wednesday. Payment can be sent with your student on Monday. The cost is $24 per shirt. Student shirts have been covered by donations!

Freshman! Don't forget to turn your 50/50 tickets in to Mrs. Bunnell or Mrs. Cooper tomorrow 2/16!

ATTENTION PARENTS & STUDENTS!! The CPS Dragons App is the #1 source of information for Chelsea Public Schools. Download the app for Android or Apple and sign up for notifications! With the app you can sign in to ROOMS to receive updates directly from your teachers, notifications about assignments, and message directly with teachers. For more info or trouble signing in, see the link below!

Chelsea High School will be hosting the District Basketball games on Friday, February 16th. Admission will be $10 per person (of all ages) which is set by OSSAA. Only OSSAA Playoff passes are accepted for District games. Individuals with OSSAA Playoff passes will need to show their pass using the GoFan App or present their paper pass at the door. Discounted tickets are available through the GoFan App for anyone. The cost of the discounted ticket is $8.35 and can be purchased at https://get.gofan.co/2022_08_gofan_ossaa_videos The girls game will start at 6:00pm, followed by the boys game at 7:30pm. Come out to support your Lady Dragons and Dragons as they compete for the District Title! Go Dragons!