The middle school and high school baseball games scheduled for this evening, Thursday, March 14th, have been canceled. The high school game will be moved to Saturday, March 16th at 11:00am.

SAVE THE DATE for 8th Grade Promotion (correction to date)

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All middle school students will turn in their Chromebooks and chargers starting Wednesday. Chromebooks will be checked for damages, cleaned and updated for state testing. After spring break, Chromebooks will stay in classrooms for student use. If a student needs to check out a Chromebook to take home to complete work, they will do so through their 7th hour teacher. Please help your student locate their Chromebook and charger. If you have any questions, call the middle school office at 789-2521.

Here is some information about Cherokee nation events and resources for students.

Reminder of Important Dates for CHS. There was a correction made to the Cognia Testing for all Juniors.

Career Fair open to the public! The High School will not be taking a bus of students due to the Senior Walk Through and Awards assembly being the same day.

All middle school students will turn in their Chromebooks and chargers starting Wednesday. Chromebooks will be checked for damages, cleaned and updated for state testing. After spring break, Chromebooks will stay in classrooms for student use. If a student needs to check out a Chromebook to take home to complete work, they will do so through their 7th hour teacher. Please help your student locate their Chromebook and charger. If you have any questions, call the middle school office at 789-2521.

CHS Weekly events for 3/11/24-3/23/24.

BPA Students that qualified for state came from all over Oklahoma to Tulsa March 4-6 to compete in various business events in the categories of Finance, Business Administration, Management Information Systems, Digital Communication and Design, Management, Marketing and Communication, Health Administration.
Kailey Hester competed in Basic Office Systems and Procedures and Digital Communication and Design Concepts and Sarah Spain competed in Administrative Support Concepts and the Extemporaneous Speech event. Ben Hagebusch, JR Veysey, Parker Stanbro and Michael Wooten competed as a team in the Video Production event placing in the top 8 in the state.

11th and 12th grade students with no zeros in February were treated to an off campus lunch in Claremore today. Great job students!!!

Baseball will be playing today at 2:00 and 4:00 in Wyandotte. These will be pool games for the Caney Valley Tournament.

Read Across America Week isn't only for the elementary school! Mrs. Harris and Ms. Moore teamed up to inspire students through reading today. Pictured is Mrs. Harris reading to her STEM class and Ms. Moores reading class. CMS has amazing teachers who love these kids!

9th and 10th grade students with no zeros in February were treated to an off campus lunch in Claremore today. Great job students!!!

Baseball games scheduled today at Caney Valley are cancelled. Once a schedule is determined, it will be shared on our website/facebook page.

The Caney Valley Baseball tournament is currently in a rain delay. We will update as information comes available.

Art Goad ES celebrating Read Across America !

Reminder of the scholarship organizer! This is the hub for all scholarships with due dates and live links to applications. Several are coming up this month and next. If you have any question please email me at kcrawford@chelseadragons.net.
Here is the link to the counselor corner as well with a lot of helpful resources.

CHS Events for 3/4-3/9/24

The high school baseball game scheduled for Monday, March 4th has been canceled.