11 months ago, Terry Tyree
We Love you Mrs Stevie!
11 months ago, Zenda Willcut
All course requests must be completed by May 1st. If you have any questions please contact Mrs. Crawford or Mr. Tyree.
11 months ago, Terry Tyree
Chelsea High School will possibly be offering summer Driver's Education if we have enough students sign up. The cost is $250. Please contact Mr. Tyree or Mrs. Crawford if you are interested.
11 months ago, Terry Tyree
FFA banquet information!!!
11 months ago, Terry Tyree
Chelsea Middle School will begin state testing on Monday, April 29th. Testing will take place each day next week as follows: Monday, April 29th Grades 6, 7 & 8 Math Sections 1 & 2 Tuesday, April 30th Grade 8 Science Test Sections 1 & 2 Wednesday, May 1st Grade 6, 7 & 8 ELA Sections 1 & 2 Thursday, May 2nd Grade 8 Writing test Students will be working through practice tests this week. Practice tests can be accessed from home as well at https://okpracticetest.cognia.org/student/login Oklahoma School Testing Program Parent, Student, and Teacher Guides can be accessed with the following links: GRADE 6: https://oklahoma.onlinehelp.cognia.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/5/2024/01/OK_Spr24_PSTG_G6_ADA.pdf GRADE 7: https://oklahoma.onlinehelp.cognia.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/5/2024/01/OK_Spr24_PSTG_G7_ADA.pdf GRADE 8: https://oklahoma.onlinehelp.cognia.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/5/2024/01/OK_Spr24_PSTG_G8_ADA.pdf If you have any questions regarding state testing for middle school, please reach out to Mrs. Wilson or Mrs. Shoate at the middle school office 789-2521.
11 months ago, Falon Wilson
Chelsea High School is proud to announce Mr. Philip Stephens as our Support Staff member of the year!! Congratulations and well deserved!!
11 months ago, Terry Tyree
Chelsea High School is proud to announce Mr. Brady Haggard as our staff member of the year!! Congratulations and well deserved!!!
11 months ago, Terry Tyree
Middle school track athletes need to be at the field house by 1:30pm tomorrow, April 22nd. The bus will leave at 1:45pm for the track meet in OKU.
11 months ago, Falon Wilson
11 months ago, Terry Tyree
End of Year Schedule
11 months ago, Dagney Snyder
End of year schedule
If you are planning to present an award at the High School awards assembly on May 7th @1pm please contact Mrs. Crawford ASAP 918-888-5111 kcrawford@chelseadragons.net
11 months ago, Katlyn Crawford
Reminder that the senior group picture is at 12:30 at the pocket park on Main Street tomorrow.
11 months ago, Terry Tyree
Weekly events at CHS for 4/15/24-4/20/24 Reminder that Off Campus lunch for 9./10 grade students who had no zeros in March will be Tuesday 4/16. They should have been told last week whether they qualified by their teachers. 11/12 grade students will be Thursday 4/18. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zc9S9LSbwTpZJ9taCznKu7_YexSKKDg9DrGZr0f3Tsg/edit?usp=sharing
11 months ago, Terry Tyree
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1pP_-MbzLNEU_QQh6hF7gzu4wj5k9xvZMaD5S-ddTYrg/edit?usp=sharing Here is the link to the Concurrent options for next years Juniors and Seniors who are eligible. Each school has different requirements and cost. The only in person we have at this time is RSU, for virtual there are multiple options but students have had the best luck with TCC. If your student is interested please set up a meeting with Mrs. Crawford very soon.
11 months ago, Katlyn Crawford
Tom Bible Invitational Meet Schedule of Events
11 months ago, Katlyn Crawford
The middle school baseball tournament scheduled for today April 11th has been moved to Friday and Saturday.
11 months ago, Falon Wilson
Reminder: Chelsea Middle School, along with Chelsea High School, will be virtual on Thursday, April 11th and again on Monday, April 15th. We will be in session on Friday, April 12th as a regular in-person day. Middle school students have been given paper packets of work in advance for these dates. No Chromebooks will be checked out to middle school students for these dates. Only Chelsea Middle School and High School will be virtual on these dates. Also, reminder Friday, May 3rd we are now in-session as a snow make-up day. All CPS sites (high school, middle school, Art Goad and Longfellow) will be virtual on Wednesday, May 15th. If your middle school student has not turned in their enrollment packet for the 2024-2025 school year, please get those in as soon as possible. The cutoff for students in grades 6 and 7 to select their elective courses for next school year is this Friday, April 12th. Mrs. Shoate and Mrs. Wilson will be meeting with 5th grade students to complete their elective course requests on Monday, April 15th. Information for parents to view the course requests and make any changes necessary will be sent home with students on this day. Information on course requests has also been posted on the CPS Facebook page. Please contact the middle school office if you have any questions.
11 months ago, Falon Wilson
Art Goad students had a fantastic educational experience! Incorporating the solar eclipse into various subjects like reading, geography, and science helps students understand the event from different perspectives and deepen their learning. It's great to see teachers finding creative ways to engage students with real-world phenomena.
11 months ago, Zenda Willcut