Chelsea High School is hiring! We are looking for a Math Teacher. Contact Terry Tyree 918-789-2533 or email ttyree@chelseadragons.net for more information.

Basketball camp!

All Sports Banquet in Thursday in the High School Gym.

Middle School last week of school events:
Monday - May 13th
Field Day games in the morning (outside weather permitting, will be moved indoors if necessary). Regular class schedule in the afternoon.
Tuesday - May 14th
8th Grade Breakfast provided by CMS Student Council at 8:30 in the library. 8th grade students please wear your class t-shirts for a group photo. Shirts are available for $10 in the middle school office if you have not purchased yours yet.
8th Grade Promotion practice at 9:00.
CMS Awards Assembly at 10:30 in gym.
8th Grade Promotion at 7:00pm in the gym. 8th grade students need to arrive by 6:30.
Wednesday- May 15th
Virtual Day
Thursday - May 16th
Students last day.
Have a great last week of school CMS!

CHS last week of school events!!!
Monday-semester tests
Students who are exempt do not have to attend all week if they have checked out.
Tuesday-semester tests and check out
Wednesday-virtual day due to staff professional development at Sequoyah.
Thursday-all sports booster club banquet. Coaches and players eat at 6. Guests arrive at 7. Dinner in the commons and awards ceremony in the gym.
Thursday is also the last day of school!!! All students are required to fill out checkout sheets for the summer.
Friday-staff professional development in the cafeteria-TBA.
Saturday-CHS graduation ceremony in Dale Wilson Memorial Gymnasium at 10:00. All seniors need to be at the school dressed by 8:15 for pictures.

Ready to make a difference in the lives of tomorrow's leaders? Ready to serve the families and have a positive impact on our community? If the answer is yes, then come join the Green Dragon team! We are accepting applications for the upcoming 24-25 school year!

This girl is truly amazing! Look at these delicious cupcakes made by 8th grade student Kylee Kam. Thank you for making Teacher Appreciation Week so much sweeter!

Reminder, middle school students will go to Airtopia on the end-of-year field trip tomorrow. Students may bring a sack lunch or have one from the cafeteria. Students may bring money for snacks at Airtopia.
Any 8th grade student who would like to buy an 8th grade t-shirt needs to bring $10 by Monday. T-shirts have all 8th grade class signatures on them.
Middle school awards assembly is Tuesday, May 14th at 10:30 in the gym. Promotion is also Tuesday, May 14th at 7:00pm.

Middle School teachers go above and beyond each day for our students. This week we get to celebrate our amazing teachers. Thank you to each business, group and individual (Bank of Commerce, RCB, Lyle's Custom Meats, Rt. 66 Insurance, Hometown Feeds, Chelsea Alumni Association, CHS STUCO, First Baptist Church & Kenzie Malone) who has helped us put together a celebration worthy of what these outstanding educators do! I apologize if I missed anyone. If you see a teacher this week, be sure to thank them! This year would have been "unbearable" without each member of our CMS Family! #TeacherAppreciation

Middle School students will be going on their end-of-year field trip on Wednesday, May 8th. We will be going to Airtopia trampoline park in Owasso. Permission slips have already been turned in for the trip. If you have not filled out a waiver for your student, please use the link below to do so.
Students may bring a sack lunch or have a sack lunch from the cafeteria. We will be going to a park after our time at Airtopia to eat lunch. We will leave CMS at 9:00am and return by 2:30pm. Each student who attends the field trip will need to have a waiver completed online for Airtopia. The link to complete the waiver is:
If you have any questions, please contact the middle school office 789-2521.

Another great day to be a Dragon!! CHS track athletes battled thunderstorms and the best competition from across the state the finish up the 2A State Track Meet. Congrats to Bailey Schwarze for placing 4th in Girls Discus, Jeremey Veysey finished 6th in the Boys 300m hurdles, and Ben Hagebusch earning 3rd place in the 400m Dash. The tradition continues and the future is bright for Green Dragon Track & Field!

All high school students must have their checkout paper completed prior to the last day of school.

Virtual students who are finished with their online classes can come checkout starting Thursday.

The path to the High Jump State Championship runs through Chelsea, Oklahoma!! Avery Lawhorn & Ben Hagebusch are your 2A State Champions!! Congratulations to you both! It's a great day to be a DRAGON!

May 3rd is National School Lunch Hero Day!! Chelsea Public Schools has the best! Thank you for all you do for our students!!!

Next to last week's events at CHS!!

Fantastic job by the "Fire of the Dragon" band today playing the National Anthem at Drillers Stadium.

Thank you to NE Tech's East program for the newly installed perforated vinyl! It looks amazing and was installed by our very own Jonathon Larson! Great job!

Congratulations to Mrs. Harris, 2024 CMS Teacher of the Year, and Ms. Tanya Theall, 2024 CMS Staff of the Year!

Middle School students will be going on their end-of-year field trip on Wednesday, May 8th. We will be going to Airtopia trampoline park in Owasso. The cost is $12 per student. Permission slips will be sent home today. Students may bring a sack lunch or have a sack lunch from the cafeteria. We will be going to a park after our time at Airtopia to eat lunch. We will leave CMS at 9:00am and return by 2:30pm. Each student who attends the field trip will need to have a waiver completed online for Airtopia. The link to complete the waiver is:
If you have any questions, please contact the middle school office 789-2521.