Students who are planning on attending driver's education this summer need to pay their $225 to reserve their spot as soon as possible. Make checks payable to Chelsea Public Schools.
The High School Awards assembly will be Tuesday May 9th at 1:00pm in Dale Wilson Memorial Gymnasium. The public is invited to attend.
Tuesday is a mandatory event for any seniors who are planning to walk in the graduation ceremony.
8:00- seniors arrive
8:15- load busses to begin walk through
8:20- Longfellow
8:30- Art Goad
8:45- Middle School
8:50- High School
9:00- Pictures at the bridge
9:15- Donuts
10:30- graduation walk through
11:30- pizza and games
1:00- awards assembly, followed by senior goodbye
8:15- seniors arrive
Go to holding rooms
Take individual pictures
9:45- line up
CMHS Weekly Events for the last week of school!
The high school band had the opportunity to compete in Texas this weekend and got 1st place for 2A!!
Sea of blue is all you saw these past two days at the BOK center. The Oklahoma FFA held its 97th convention were 23 of our Chelsea students attended many leadership activities and listened to some of the best motivational speakers from across the nation. Chancie Jinkens was awarded her scholarship to attend Washington DC with FFA members from across the State. To wrap up convention our senior Mattie Morgan received her State FFA Degree, for all her hard work within this organization and with her SAE program.
Chelsea High School would like to thank Sean Donelson and Harbor Church for hosting last night’s baccalaureate festivities.
There will be a send off for our HS track teams tomorrow at 2:30. They will go down Ralph Terry Blvd and head to Main St. as they head to OKC for the state track meet.
All 9-11th grade students will begin the checkout process on Tuesday May 9th. All students must checkout and will only be allowed to checkout that day.
Senior Trip to Incredible Pizza!
Chelsea High School will celebrate Baccalaureate tonight at Harbor Church. The event begins at 6:30.
CHS Reminder- Students need to turn their course selection papers in ASAP if they haven't already. We have also sent out some pre-enrollment packets that can be turned in before the year ends. You will still need to attend enrollment in the fall!
Seniors need to turn in their senior information sheets so we can acknowledge any awards, scholarships or career/college plans at the awards assembly and graduation.
Isabell Barnes competed at state solo and ensemble contest at OSU. She received a 2 or excellent rating. She has worked so hard and we’re so proud of her!!
May breakfast and lunch menus are available in the dining section of our website and mobile app!
CMHS Weekly Events for 5/1-5/6
District Baseball games against Chouteau have been moved to tomorrow at WYANDOTTE. Game times will be 10:00AM and Noon.
Say “hello” to parent-teacher chat and classroom announcements in the Chelsea app! With the addition of Rooms, our district app keeps getting better. Parents/Guardians check your email with instructions to sign up and access new features.
On Monday, April 25 40 students from CHS went on a trip to the Ancient Ozarks Natural History Museum in Branson, Missouri. Forty Native American students and six teachers attended the field trip that was paid for by funds from The Cherokee Nation. Students traveled by charter bus and were treated to lunch at Lamberts on the way home.
Say “hello” to parent-teacher chat in the Chelsea app! The same district app will soon offer class streams, class announcements, and parent-teacher chat. Download for Android Download for iPhone
The Chelsea High School Class of 2023 will have their graduation ceremony on Saturday May 13th at 10:00AM. Graduation will be held in Dale Wilson Memorial Gymnasium.