ASVAB Testing Wednesday September 14th

School pictures are coming soon!! Longfellow will take pictures Tuesday August 30th. Art Goad will take pictures Wednesday August 31st. Students in grades 6-11 will be taking pictures on Thursday September 1st. Seniors will take pictures on Friday September 2nd.

The Class of 2023 won the Dragon Games competition today! Way to represent seniors.

Student Spotlight: Karli Everett attended a June YAHL(Youth Action Health Leadership) team summit in Oklahoma City. She learned a lot about leadership skills and public speaking that she will use to promote leadership in our school and community. She learned about 2 campaigns to counteract tobacco and elevate student health. Elevating student health is about promoting drinking water, establishing a routine of exercise, and eating healthy foods. Karli is very active in our school by serving as an officer of FCCLA and as a class officer for her fellow sophomores. Great job Karli!!

Huge thank you to Pat's Main Street Diner for hustling around this morning to provide the girls with lunch before the Nowata Tourney. We appreciate you!

All student's in grades 6th - 12th can pick-up their class schedule tomorrow, August 9th, during open house from 5:30-8:00 PM in the HS commons area. All enrollment paperwork and documents must be completed before the student will receive their schedule.

Open House/Meet The Teacher will be Tuesday, August 9th from 5:30 - 8:00 PM at each site.

Enrollment for ALL students is today until 6:00 PM at each site. There are forms that need to be signed in addition to some online information and documents. This will need to be done regardless of any forms that were completed in the spring.

If you ordered a Chelsea yearbook, pick up will be next Tuesday, July 5th from 9-12 or from 5-7 at the middle school office.

We are thrilled to announce the launch of our new district website! Be sure to check back often for new and updated content. Also, keep an eye out for information about new our mobile app that will be launching soon.

Report cards for all students were sent home last week. You should be receiving those in the mail.

Football camp starts in July. Be on the lookout for more info!