NOEC Youth Programs 


Youth Tour Community Service Project or Essay (high school juniors)

Area high school juniors can complete a 6-8 hour community service project for a chance to win an all-expense-paid trip to Washington, D.C., June 17-22, as part of the 2023 Youth Tour contest. Winning students will also receive $500 in spending cash. As an alternative form of entry, students can submit a 300-500 word essay on the topic “Making a Difference Where I Live.” Students who are in the eleventh grade and attend school within the cooperative service area are eligible to participate in this contest. Cooperative membership is not a contest requirement. Entry deadline: March 27, 2023.


College/trade school scholarship (high school seniors)

High school seniors whose parents or guardians are NOEC members and who live in a household served by NOEC electric can apply for a $1,000 scholarship to a college, university, or trade school. Four winners will be selected. Entry deadline: May 1, 2023.


Community Service Award (FFA & FCCLA and 4-H organizations)

Local FFA, FCCLA, and 4-H organizations can apply for $200 to assist with program expenses.


Energy Camp Community Service Project or Essay (8th graders)

Eighth graders can complete a 3-4 hour community service project for a chance to win a trip to Energy Camp May 30-June 2, 2023. Each of the four contest winners will also each receive $150 in spending cash. As an alternative form of entry, students can submit a 200-300 word essay on the topic “Making a Difference Where I Live.” Students who are in the eighth grade and attend school within the cooperative service area are eligible to participate in this contest. Cooperative membership is not a contest requirement. Entry deadline: April 24, 2023.


Visit and click on the Community Services tab for youth programs entry forms and additional information.


Community service project ideas:

1.    Pick up trash around your school campus and/or athletic field(s), your church, a park, or your town sports complex.

2.    Volunteer time at a local animal shelter, food pantry, or thrift store.

3.    Offer to mow, pull weeds, or rake leaves for an elderly neighbor.

4.    Collect non-perishable items to donate to a local food bank.

5.    Assemble goodie bags and deliver them a local day center or assisted living facility.


Need more help? Contact the NOEC Public Relations department at for a project idea!


Public Relations

Northeast Oklahoma Electric Cooperative, Inc.

Mailing: P.O. Box 948 | Vinita, OK | 74301

Shipping: 27247 S 4440 Rd | Vinita, OK | 74301

918.256.6405 | |